Moduł dla wibratorów elektromagnetycznych

It is possible to use Module (controller in a box with or without circuit PRX99for NPN/PNP sensor) for automatic driving of a system consisting of: a vibratory hopperor three phase motor-driven elevator, cylindricalvibratory feeder, linear vibratory feeder or conveyor belt.
The system is based on the following main Modules:
1) Two or more Modules type R5FC/CV6/CV8/RV6which produce variations in the intensity of the linear and cylindrical vibratory feeders, plus the vibratory hopper. These are available with the following predispositions: regulation of the MIN and MAX 3000 or 6000vib/min; ramp slow/fast ; supply voltage 115/230/400V50/60Hz.
The max current available is 6A RMS (8A with circuit CV8).
2) One or two circuits type PRX99(inside controller ) which allow direct interfacing of photocells or mechanical level probes, with supply voltage of 10-30Vdcand PNP or NPNoutput (NO or NC) or else a contact not under voltage. One of these circuits is normally installed on the linear vibratory feeder and controls the cylindrical vibratory feeder in order to avoid risk of overflow of the linear feeder. The second circuit is installed in the bowl feeder in order to safeguard against loading too high a number of pieces in the loading hopper when the latter is commanded.
The sensor on the linear feeder also controls the hopper. Each PRX99circuit can be set to delay the timing of enabling of the output (T1) and disabling of the output (T2). It also supplies a "no piece present" alarm signal at the elapsing of a certain time (likewise adjustable – T-alarm 0-15 sec.).
This modular system is very economical.
3) A Module MTR01 three-phase motor - driven feeders, with circuit PRX99for NPN/PNP sensor and qualification input.